This page was done in the 8 1/2 by 11 format. The background is a printed vintage ABC page, layered on top are some ransom style alphabet letters and the word school torn out of a magazine. The tag is mixed media starting with a shipping tag which has been aged down with walnut ink. The words are stamped in Stayz-on ink (one of my favorites, it is basically a Sharpie in an ink pad ~ it stamps on anything, even glass and metal) Toby's name is stamped onto cork which had been rubbed with the walnut ink crystals to also age it. At the top of the tag is a metal tab that says dream and the whole thing is topped off with a piece of a vintage measuring tape. The journaling is done on two post-it notes stuck into a mini file folder that has been stapled onto the page. The date was stamped with Stayz-on onto a metal office file folder prong. This combines three of my favorite things, my son Toby, office supplies and scrapbooking! Life is good!
Good job on opening up your head! Too bad I am not a scrapbooker anymore, I will have to wait for your crafty posts instead!
I have always like this page, especially the subject matter.
Cute page! He sure has grown a ton since then huh.
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