So much of creating for me, comes from being inspired by beauty all around us. A well written phrase can move me, light and shadow can bring a smile and the color of berries against a January sky, brilliant orange pops against blue, framed out by a bramble of winter naked branches...well that makes me ache to create. Below are some pictures that I took in our backyard a few weeks ago. Hope they bring a smile to your day too!

Those are great pictures! I have always been a sucker for photos, graphics, paper, and whatever else has an image of a branch and berries on it. I love it!
I loved your header and didn't know it was your photo and from your yard. It is beautiful. I may steal one of the photos for my computer. I don't see any copyright sign.
Really great photos, did you get w new camera? I might need to steal one too!
Wonderful photos Keelee. Almost good enough to eat!
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