Hold the phones folks! I have to eat a big old helping of crow pie. After years of saying, "I'll never go digital...I am a tactile scrapbooker....well, I tried digital. And I liked it. A lot. A whole lot. While it won't replace paper art for me ~ let's just say wow!
Let me start at the beginning. A couple of weeks ago, one of my friends called and asked me if I was busy for the next two Mondays, and if not, did I want to take a class up in Red Lodge with her. I said sure. (Always fun to get out of town.) She called back and told me she signed us up for a Stampin' Up My Digital Studio's class. My first thought was...uhm crap. My second thought was, well, at least we get out of town for a couple of hours. Imagine my chagrin when I was fascinated. Boy has it come a long, long way. You can add drop shadows, texture, digital stamps....so many possibilities.
I think that it actually makes me feel freer to paper scrap, because I can throw most of my HUGE backlog of photos onto digital pages and then do my favorites on paper as well. Here are my first two attempts. Here for you is one of my favorite pictures of my little Sis and I , and the second one is my daughter. Best part? I have it on my laptop, so I can play anywhere. 

Can't wait until you give me a tutorial.
You never showed me these :0
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