Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Inspired by...

Inspiration is a muse that each of us seek in different ways. For me, I have to be surrounded by bits of life. Each of them can touch me in different ways.

* Maybe it is my soul that is touched by a bit of light and shadow. The way I place my furniture in my creative space is directly related to the way sunlight and shadow play on the wall.

**Maybe my creative juices flow when a bit of texture, color or shape touch my senses.

***It might be an odd little object that was discarded from a previous owner. It sat homeless, until it touched my emotions.

****Sometimes it is an object that touches my sense of humor. It makes me smile for whatever odd reason.

Each of these things are a part of the puzzle that is me. When they are placed together as a whole, they help me to encourage Inspiration to stop flitting around and visit for awhile. Do her job as a muse and together we create, and dream and create some more. Below are some of the things that help inspire me.

Two of my favorite things, Chocolate and vintage signs! Yum for both the tummy and the eyes!

This makes my soul calm. I am reminded that we not only have a Father in Heaven that loves us, He cared enough to make a world that is beautiful as well as functional.

The most tender green you will ever see. This is the color of creativity, rebirth and renewal. The only time this green doesn't work is when you see it in the fridge on food. :-0 Then it is time to get out of your studio and clean out the icebox! Loll

My favorite flower, look at that color saturation! This was taken by jillclearyinc

I remember practising drawing by studying Leonardo's work...yes we are on a first name basis! :-)

I like to burn candles while I work...something about that small steady flame is comforting. No, I am not a fire bug, I leave that to my husband with the BBQ.

These little owls make me smile with their whimsy. I would love to own the fabric they are printed on.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Crafty Chicas!

My friend Les has a wonderful blog called Dragonfly time. It is easy to lose a good chunk of time while you are looking at all of the fun pages and card ideas on there. Her blog has reached 45000 hits (yes you read the number right) and she is doing a fun give away.
